Giving you my hand. Love you.

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Love you, too! Miss seeing you!

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"Sexual orientation is nothing but a learning tool in this bodily classroom. It's part of my curriculum because the lesson we're all sent here to learn is one of forgiveness." Woe, I love this perspective.. well written and so true!

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Thanks, Dorette. It's a lesson I learned from Richard Rohr, who writes in his book "The Immortal Diamond": "Your False Self, which we might also call your "small self," is your launching pad; your body image, your job, your education, your clothes, your money, your car, your sexual identity, your success and so on. These are the trappings of ego that we all use to get us through an ordinary day. They are a nice enough platform to stand on, but they are largely a projection of our self-image and our attachment to it."

It took me a minute to digest what he was saying here - I mean, does this mean I'm NOT a lesbian? Well, of course, I am, but that's an identity of the "small self," my launching pad. We are spirits having bodily experiences and sexual orientation, gender, all the trappings of living in a body, is simply the curriculum Spirit uses to teach us that one lesson: forgiveness.

When I realized this, I became more compassionate, not just for myself, but for those who hate LGBTQ people. I had to overcome my hatred for my own sexuality and they must overcome their hatred of others they perceive as different or wrong. If I can see that spark of the divine within them, then I can see it in myself, and I can forgive them ... and myself.

Not easy! But, that's the lesson I'm learning. Thanks for reading and commenting!

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Oh my, Candace, that was wonderful! Such an enlightening message during this time of war and chaos and polarization. Thank you! Fred Racey

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Thank you, Fred. Hope you are well!

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