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I admit, most of the time, I am not in my right mind. I believe all the thoughts that pass through my head in any given moment. I believe the thought that someone I love is mad at me, or the thought that my boss is plotting my demise because some other thought told me that I should feel guilty for screwing up an assignment. Other thoughts tell me that the world is on fire and I can’t do anything about it and that all leaders are liars and cheats anyway and the world would be better off without humans.
So many thoughts, sparking so many worthless anxieties, fears and doubts. Sure, there are some happy thoughts in the mix, but they are usually overwhelmed by fear- or guilt-based thoughts that seem to take root much more quickly in my psyche.
"Salvation," A Course in Miracles says in chapter 4, "is nothing more than 'right-mindedness,' which is not the One-mindedness of the Holy Spirit, but which must be achieved before One-mindedness is restored."
The slogan offered in Lesson 45 in the Course's daily workbook is this: God is the Mind with which I think. This is the Holy's offer to accept salvation – that "right-mindedness" that leads to the next step of remembering that our mind is already joined with that Holy One Mind that we have never truly left.
A changed perception is a miracle in this place of bodily space and time, but it is not our final destination. Perception, when we finally become enlightened beings, is replaced by knowledge – the absolute knowing of a peace beyond all understanding and perception.
To get to this place, though, requires "purification," or the realization that there is another way to see the world – not through the ego's physical eyes, but through the eyes of our higher, Divine Self – the inner Christ we all possess. Today's lesson reminds us that there is also another way to think about the world – not through the ego's thoughts of judgment and comparison – but through the Divine mind where judgment and comparison no longer exist.
If we are the embodiment of holiness in the world, then all of God's attributes remain within us – the ability to see innocence all around us, the ability to think rightly, which means not using our ego thoughts to drive our lives, but turning to those deeper, Divine thoughts, that imagine a world without fear, greed, hatred or despair.
When we think with the ego's thoughts, we're always making comparisons, always either wary of what to do, or foolishly jumping into situations without thinking them through. Using the ego's thoughts to guide our actions is usually the best way to make any situation worse instead of better. It's also the fastest way to inaction, because the ego will tell us that what God expects from us in this world is impossible – ridiculous even. "Save the world? Who do you think you are?" the ego scoffs.
When we think with the Mind of God, however, we become more deliberative. We become willing to surrender the ego's loud and seemingly logical thoughts to the Holy and become willing to listen more deeply for Divinely inspired thoughts.
Our free will, the Course tells us, is used correctly when it aligns with God's will. Discerning the will of God is not terribly difficult when we remember that "will" means thought and "God" means love, so doing "God's will" simply means that we are always seeking to do the most loving thing in any situation. Our ego will always speak first and speak loudly when circumstances arise. This lesson beckons us to go beyond those first, loud thoughts. It invites us to go deeper into the silence where Spirit speaks to us in that still, small voice.
When God becomes the Mind with which we think, loving thoughts will become natural for us and that will translate into loving actions. Don't be confused though. Sometimes the most loving action may appear harsh to the world. You may have to walk away from toxic people. You may have to move forcefully to stop someone from hurting someone else. You may have to have uncomfortable conversations with people who are hurting themselves and others. Love is not a doormat. Love is often fierce and uncomfortable.
When we can become still enough to ignore the voice of the ego and listen for the loving voice of God to come through, we will find our minds become peaceful and our actions in the world become more effective and loving. When we do God's will – the most loving thing – we will find that whatever it is we do is exactly, as this lesson says, "what we want to do. And we will also try to remember that we cannot fail in doing what God would have us do. There is every reason to feel confident that we will succeed today. It is the Will of God."
The Muslim mystic poet Hafiz puts it this way:
"Free will is an illusion.
"God spoke your every word in His mind before
your birth. And one movement of His hand
contained your every act.
"There is an Infinite Knowledge that has always
existed, and in it resides everything. And that will
someday dawn on you, for you are the Infinite's
Take 20 with Candace
If you don’t have time to watch the full replay of Jubilee! Circle’s weekly celebrations, you can cut to the chase and spend 20 minutes with me and enjoy my weekly message. This past week we explored The Wonder of Inclusion.
The Motley Mystic now has a podcast!
Tune in for the new Motley Mystic Meditation Moments Podcast
Sometimes our best ideas and deepest, most profound thoughts come after we've meditated or when we're out walking the dog and enjoying nature. I'll be sharing my extemporaneous thoughts and ideas on spirituality and transformational growth. I may be out of breath on the walk, but spirit is always breathing through us all.
There are already several episodes posted, including the latest one entitled Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There! that explores why sometimes the most important thing we can do for the world is absolutely nothing.
About the Motley Mystic:
The Motley Mystic is an online community for people who have realized that the truth speaks with many voices. There is no one religion, philosophy, institution or dogma that captures the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. No one needs to swear allegiance to one line of thought or belief to discern Truth, because Love is the only thing that’s real. That’s what we explore at the Motley Mystic - all the tools and strategies we need to remove our barriers to Love and live fully as our true, Divine Self.
Candace Chellew is the founder of Motley Mystic as well Jubilee! Circle, an interfaith spiritual community in Columbia, S.C. She is also the author of Bulletproof Faith: A Spiritual Survival Guide for Gay and Lesbian Christians published in 2008 by Jossey-Bass. She is also a musician and avid beer drinker.