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The written version below has been edited for clarity.
Recently, I was listening to one of my teachers, Kyle Cease, and he said something that I know is true, but I had just never heard it put in this way. He said that the only reason that we are here – the only purpose of our lives – is to raise our vibration. That's similar to what A Course in Miracles says about our true identity: We are the light of the world. We are created in love and joy and peace, which is what we're called to manifest. The ego, of course, clouds that over because the ego believes we are made in competition and lack and grief and greed and despair and shame. So, there's this contrast.
We spend much of our lives living in those lower egoic vibrations. We spend our lives living in states of shame or apathy, or despair or guilt. And David Hawkins, in his book, Letting Go, talks about this ladder of emotion. It's very similar to what Abraham-Hicks talks about the scale of vibrations and vibrational emotions. At the bottom of that scale, for Hawkins, is shame. And that is where we often spend most our lives, feeling as though we are not worthy of success, not worthy of happiness, or not worthy of joy. (Check out this handy guide to Hawkins” “Map of Consciousness” and Abraham-Hicks’ Emotional Scale.)
Our emotional vibration moves up from there into guilt, then apathy, grief, fear and into higher vibrations that include anger and pride. These higher energies, though they are not the highest, are better than their lower cousins because at least in fear and anger, we may be motivated enough to act and begin to transform, whereas apathy and shame and guilt keep us stuck in those lower vibrations. Often, that's where we stay, because we become hopeless.
I often hear people talk about finding their purpose, or their calling, in life. Cease, Abraham, the Course and all other vibrational energy teachers say that whatever it is you want to or need to accomplish in this world is accomplished by remembering that your purpose in life is to raise your vibration – to become a Holy Vibrator.
I've been thinking a lot on this lately because I've recently had a few low vibration days where I've been lost in thoughts about the past and future. The present moment has felt oppressive. It felt powerless, it felt shameful, it felt depressing, it felt like I was just spinning my wheels. Here I am in life, at 56 years old, and what do I have to show for it? What I've realized, as I've come back to this idea about raising my vibration is this: I have a lot to show for it. As I reflect back, I have seen that my life has been a succession of following higher and higher vibrations. I have left careers because I have felt stuck in heavy energy. I left journalism because the business changed so much that I felt it was literally crushing my spirit. I left academic public relations for much the same reason. I've always seemed to instinctively follow the higher and higher vibrations that have led me on this journey to where I am now. In this moment, I am doing work that I love with people that I love and I feel like I'm making a difference in the world. The best thing is this though: even higher vibrations await!
We seem to think success means a fat bank account and fame and fortune. What if though, life is just about raising your vibration? What if life is just about living into a fullness that isn't so much worried about, "Well, what do I do?" but is more focused on what it is we are meant to become in the world? What if what we do is just simply an outgrowth of what it is that we are becoming?
We hesitate to live this way because we think the Universe is going to ask us to sacrifice something or do something that we don't want to do in the world. If, however, I think my calling in life is to use the skills that I have – which have been speaking, writing, teaching, presenting music to some extent – then what I become will use all of those strengths and talents. I'm not going to become an accountant or an engineer. These are these are not my skills. If our focus becomes then raising our vibration moving from one higher emotion, or thought process to the next, then source or universe Spirit, the holy, however you relate to this force that is around us that has created us, will use the skills we have – our passions – to expand the world.
When you are willing to raise your vibration, you will become receptive to what the Universe would have you become. I've so often heard people in the positive thought movement or New Age movement talk about law of attraction or positive thinking and it often turns into to wishful thinking games. Everybody wants to be famous or rich.
They say, "It's totally possible that Oprah will call next week," or "It's totally possible that I'll write a bestseller," or some other huge dream. Sure, everybody dreams of striking it rich and many of us see money and fame as our top form of security. What if, though, life is really about how much love and care you give to those within your immediate sphere of influence, which is like three feet around you? This includes all the people that you encounter in your day whether they are your family, strangers, friends or people you see as enemies. What if we measure our lives not by how big our bank accounts are, but how big our hearts are? What if life is measured in how high our vibration can become?
What if our success is measured by how well we achieve what Hawkins calls the top three emotions – those with the highest vibrations – which is love at number three, joy at number two, and peace at number one? That highest vibration of peace is not the absence of conflict, which is what we often think of as peace. This highest vibrational state is what Jesus calls "the peace that passes all understanding." This is the peace that the ego is lives in terror of, because it knows if we ever reach that peaceful of a place, where no outside circumstances affect our joy, our peace or our love, then it knows it's game over. That's why it tries to keep us in the lower vibrations of fear and shame and anger.
I've heard from some people who say they don't understand what it even means to raise your vibration. Well, here's a handy idea. Think about something that you're afraid of or something that you feel shame about and feel how heavy your body suddenly feels. Just feel how unmotivated you are. You feel ashamed, you feel apathetic. You don't feel like doing anything. This is where bouts of depression originate. We rehearse our shame. We rehearse our fears or our guilt. None of these emotions are real, they're just the ego's way of keeping us from exploring these higher vibrations. It wants us to live in this heaviness. It wants us to live in the density of our bodies. We, however, have the power to lighten ourselves. There have already been times when you have felt lighter such as during joyous occasions such as a wedding, or falling in love. You're light as a feather when you fall in love for the first time! These are higher vibrations. You're feeling joy and love and peace.
That's a simple way to look at the concept of vibration: We feel physically heavier in lower vibrations, and physically lighter in the higher vibrations.
If we look at life that way, that our only purpose here is to raise our vibration, to be the light of the world and build loving relationships with everyone we meet, how do we accomplish that? What tools do we need? There are several tools out there that you can use to get yourself into a higher vibration. One of them is from Abraham called "a rampage of appreciation." It's a gratitude exercise. You can't be in a lower vibration and be grateful at the same time. It's impossible. So, if you find yourself feeling heavy or having a bad day, start appreciating everything around you. Even if all you can appreciate is that you survived today, that's a start. Look at a beautiful flower, look at the sunset, look at your dog. Just give thanks, and appreciate everything you see or can bring to mind. Appreciate how the world has worked in your favor, so many times, and appreciate that it will do that again.
There's another exercise that Cease recommends that is an adaptation of the rampage of appreciation called the It's Totally Possible game. We play this game in the reverse all the time. Whenever we're worried about something, we think of all the possible ways that our lives could go wrong. We imagine all the possible tragedies that will occur. This game invites you to instinctually move to positive possibilities instead of those negative one. To play, you simply start by saying, "It's totally possible …" and end the sentence with something positive.
I've heard plenty of people play this game and they say things such as, "It's totally possible I'll be interviewed by Oprah," or "It's totally possible I'll write a bestselling novel." There's nothing wrong with that if these are the kinds of possibilities that move you up that vibrational scale. However, you might also approach it in other ways.
For example: It's totally possible that fear will disappear from this planet. It's totally possible that unity will become our norm instead of division. It's totally possible that people will remember that they are the light of the world. It's totally possible that all thoughts of separation and division and tribalism will disappear from this world. It is totally possible that there will be no more war. It is totally possible that we will learn how to take care of this planet and save ourselves. It is totally possible that money will no longer become the measure of success. Instead, it's totally possible that loving relationships, how we help each other, how we collaborate, how will we become oneness becomes the measure of success. It's all totally possible.
I do need to say that this game is not a doctrine of faith. This is not a dogma. This is not a spiritual goal that measures the efficacy of your faith. This is not what the evangelicals teach of, "Well, that didn't come true so that means you must not have had enough faith." This is simply a tool – an exercise to raise your vibration. The main difference, I believe, is with those articles of faith where we say we trust that something specific will come to pass, then feel shame when it doesn't, is because we're attached to the outcome. In the "It's Totally Possible" game and Abraham's rampage of appreciation you're not attached to the outcome. You are simply putting positive possibilities into the universe.
Again, we do this in the reverse all the time. We put out negative possibilities, and some of them never come true, but it's not because we were good enough that the bad things didn't happen. It's because that possibility just didn't pan out. Our faith had nothing to do with any of it. These games just help us raise our vibration, and when we do that the vibration of the whole world increases. That means it's totally possible that if enough people understood that their one job here is to raise their vibration, then maybe there isn't war anymore, maybe there isn't a need for guns anymore, maybe there isn't a need for nuclear weapons to protect ourselves from people who we perceive as enemies because there aren't any more enemies, because we've all arrived at love, and joy, and peace. It's totally possible.
It's only the ego that keeps shouting that that's a pipe dream or some sort of spiritual bypass, but it's not. This not easy work. There are days we prefer our lower energies. We want to wallow in them. That's not a bad or evil thing. In fact, it provides a helpful contrast to the days that we do the hard work of raising our vibration and keeping our vibration high. If we practice often enough, eventually, we can't even feel the lowest vibration of shame anymore. Maybe the lowest we go is to anger. As we practice more and more, perhaps the lowest vibration is courage, or acceptance, but we never go back to the lowest heaviest frequencies of shame and guilt or apathy.
All of that is totally possible, if we will truly embrace that our job here is to become that Holy vibrator, constantly seeking to raise our vibration. When that becomes our practice, then Universe honors that and brings us opportunities – maybe in the form of jobs, vocations, side hustles, activism or other actions – that use our innate skills to energize the whole world. We won't have to "find" our purpose or calling in life anymore, it will simply show up in organic and exciting ways. It will be who we are.
We get nervous with this kind of talk though, because the ego wants to know who's going to pay the rent and keep food on the table. It convinces us we've got to take any job – even one we hate – because we have to survive. But what if you just raised your vibration? What if you just trusted that the universe knows where you need to be, what you need to be doing and what resources you'll need to succeed?
I invite you, my friends, just to give it a try. The next time you're feeling a little down, or your day seems a little off, use one of these tools. Go on a rampage of appreciation, giving thanks for everything you perceive as good and helpful in the world. Or, play the "It's totally possible" game to put out as many good possibilities into the world as possible. What we focus on grows. Where we put our attention expands, and as we become more grateful and more open to positive outcomes, greater things will be able to come into our lives.
I invite you use these tools to become a Holy Vibrator and see what greatness the universe has in store for you.
Take 20 with Candace
If you don’t have time to watch the full replay of Jubilee! Circle’s weekly celebrations, you can cut to the chase and spend 20 minutes (give or take) with me and enjoy my weekly message. This past week we explored the Wonder of Playfulness.
The Motley Mystic now has a podcast!
Tune in for the new Motley Mystic Meditation Moments Podcast
Sometimes our best ideas and deepest, most profound thoughts come after we've meditated or when we're out walking the dog and enjoying nature. I'll be sharing my extemporaneous thoughts and ideas on spirituality and transformational growth. I may be out of breath on the walk, but spirit is always breathing through us all.
There are already several episodes posted, including the latest one on Becoming a Holy Vibrator that explores the question of our whole purpose in life. Are we here to pursue some calling or passion, or are we here to simply raise our vibration every day so those callings and passions are simply allowed to show up?
About the Motley Mystic:
The Motley Mystic is an online community for people who have realized that the truth speaks with many voices. There is no one religion, philosophy, institution or dogma that captures the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. No one needs to swear allegiance to one line of thought or belief to discern Truth, because Love is the only thing that’s real. That’s what we explore at the Motley Mystic - all the tools and strategies we need to remove our barriers to Love and live fully as our true, Divine Self.
Candace Chellew is the founder of Motley Mystic as well Jubilee! Circle, an interfaith spiritual community in Columbia, S.C. She is also the author of Bulletproof Faith: A Spiritual Survival Guide for Gay and Lesbian Christians published in 2008 by Jossey-Bass. She is also a musician and avid beer drinker.